38 g or 1/3 stick unsalted butter

80 g (about 82 – 83 ml or 1/3 cup + 1/2 tsp) whipping cream

40 g (about 40 – 41 ml or 3 tbsp less 1 tsp) milk

40 g (3 tbsp) sugar

3 ml (1/2 tsp) vanilla extract

2 g (1/2 tsp) salt

2 medium eggs (110 – 120 g including shell)

260 – 310 g bread flour (2 – 2.5 cups)

5 g (1.5 tsp) instant dry yeast

20 g sliced almond (optional)

* NOTE 1: Whipping cream can be substituted with 10 g butter + 70 g milk. However, the taste and the texture of the bread won’t be as good as when using cream.

* NOTE 2: I used a scale to weigh all ingredients including liquid. Be careful with the cup/tbsp, etc. as it might not be precise. For example, 1 cup bread flour in the US equals to 130 gram. However, 1 cup of my bread flour (in Germany) equals to 140 gram.

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